Mark and Ashley Mudge
Mark grew up in a home where the Word of God was taught and read. At a young age he prayed to receive Christ and believed himself to be a Christian. But he was sadly mistaken. He grew up to be a young adult whose life was full of hypocrisy, anger, and laziness. But God mercifully revealed to him how wicked his sin was and his desperate need for Jesus Christ. After that time Mark’s life radically changed and the Lord gave him the desire to be a missionary. He studied Aviation Maintenance at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and worked in the aviation industry for eight years. Mark began theological training in the Bible college in his local church and is currently working on finishing his education at Reformed Baptist Seminary.
Mark met his beautiful wife Ashley at church and their relationship began as they served on missionary trips to Guatemala together. Through those trips the Lord has given them both a great burden for the glory of God and the salvation of souls in Guatemala. They have been happily married since 2009 and look forward to seeing how God will build His church in Guatemala.
If you wish to donate to help support the Mudges please click HERE.

We are the Russis! My name is Lee and I have been married to my wife Gabriela since March of 2000. We have two handsome boys Judah who is 8 and Ezra who is 6. We’ve been attending Cornerstone Baptist Church since August of 2010 and by God’s providence and grace we have been called to help with Cornerstone’s first church plant Iglesia Biblica Antorcha in Guatemala City. Under the shepherding of Pastor Mark Mudge we will be helping with translation, evangelism, organization of events among many other things.
Before being saved I had a disdain for Hispanic culture and even the Spanish language, this created strife between my wife and I. After salvation not only did God restore my marriage but he also gave me a new love for the Spanish language and a desire to reach all Hispanic cultures with the Gospel. Even before coming to Cornerstone both Gaby and I felt a strong pull to missions, after arriving at Cornerstone we find out that there is a young couple that is preparing to plant a biblical church in Guatemala City. God’s supernatural way of connecting the dots can be summed up in one word, providence. Now Gaby, Judah, Ezra, and I will by God’s grace be putting our hands to the plow in Guatemala City. We humbly ask for your prayers as we seek to serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in this church plant. “May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His suffering!”
If you wish to donate to help support the Russis please click HERE.